Thing1 sent me a link to an amendment to S.1 that he found nasty. It related to bloggers being paid to advocate a position and how they would be treated as lobbyists. Not being a lawyer it didn't look too bad to me. I did send the link to
Althouse to see what she thinks. We'll see.
Back to Barack. While I was looking around on
Thomas for the information that Thing1 had sent I decided to see what Barack was up to when he wasn't campaigning. Since being elected he has introduced 152 bills/resolution/amendments. One, S.2125, is public law. Three resolutions, S.RES.291 : A resolution to congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship., S.RES.516 : A resolution recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and solving the challenges of the future., and S.RES.529 : A resolution designating July 13, 2006, as "National Summer Learning Day" were passed as well.
Not very impressive for a guy who wants (or thinks he wants) to be
One resolution jumped out at me.
S.CON.RES.53 : A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that any effort to impose photo identification requirements for voting should be rejected. It looks like his time in Chicagoland has affected him...
Personally - if you want to vote - show ID. Even Mexico requires this. Why can't the United States?