Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Illinois Senators

We in Illinois are blessed with to extremely liberal senators. They are lucky enough to have the major newspapers covering their backs so they can do and say what they choose with zero chance of repercussions.

Obama, the great black hope, seen by many as the first black president (I thought that was Clinton?) was recently in private discussions with Senator McCain on bipartisan campaign finance reform till he (Obama) decided to be the partisan hack that we all thought he was. Both letters are available here. I'm not a fan of McCain but to me it looks like he has the upper hand.

Senator Durbin on the other hand (you may recall him referring to American soldiers as Nazis) recently was questioned by blogger Paul Mirengoff (from the excellent Powerline Blog) and Durbin managed to avoid answering the question by asking who Pajamas Media is. Pajamas Media has video.

We are so blessed...

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