Sunday, November 14, 2004

A Day at the Hospital - Part 2

After getting the wife home from the hospital I got to go back the next day. No I didn't forget something. I had to take my father-in-law in for a test. Up early to go pick him up, back home to take Thing2 to the doctor. Back home to pick up the father-in-law. Off to the hospital to be there at 10:15 for a 11:30 procedure. Sat with him for a while till they wanted to put the IV in. So out to the waiting room. Bad place for someone with a iffy lower back...

Anyways a lady that was sitting a few seats away asked if I knew where the cafeteria was. Having spent the last 4 days there I knew. Back to the book I had brought along (American Soldier by General Tommy Franks - awesome read so far). She came back, thanked me for the directions and then asked me if I was enjoying the book. We spent the next 45 minutes talking books, kids, houses, religon, and the lack of family friendly TV on the broadcast channels. Then the nurse came to get her and the conversation was over.

After I got home I took a look at the TV Guide. There isn't anything on broadcast tv to watch with small kids. Thats sad.

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