Wednesday, September 15, 2004

PowerPoint $#%^!#$%*&

One of the joys of my job is that I get to create presentations for
meetings on occasion. Usually a couple of slides about a security
vulnerability or maybe about something we doing with our Active
Directory or maybe the latest news on the mail systems that my team
manages. While I don't really like doing these its part of the job.

So after putting the first coat of primer on the new bathroom walls (and
seeing all the little flaws I have to fix) I get to sit down and finish
a poster for a conference that I don't even get to go to. :(

Slides are a piece of cake. Most of the time it takes an hour or so to
put together a 10 minute presentation. Not being in to the fancy
animations and sounds I work on content. I wish more presenters would do

Back to the poster. Using PowerPoint to make something 2 meters by 1.5
meters is interesting. Not recommended on a laptop with a 14 inch screen.

    I sent my boss the poster. Too many hours spent for someone else to present but you do what you told to. I guess it's pretty good as he made it public and let his management know. Hmm... stock options?

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