Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back to school

Monday was back to school day for Thing1. God decided to bless us with a little bit of rain to wash away any dust there might have been - well anywhere.

This was the retention pond outside his dorm when we got there. It had been raining for an hour or so. Not real heavy.

After a couple of hours of incredibly heavy rain (it's really fun moving computers and guitar amps in the rain) the pond had a bit more water.

According to the news we got 2.5 inches of rain.

It took a while to get his stuff unpacked and organzied. I stayed around and helped him get his computer on the campus network. Had to install .net 2.0, deinstall AVG, install McAffee (campus license), and do a full HD scan before we could get a routable address. What a PITA. After a couple of hours of scanning he was online. I realize that colleges have to be careful but this is ridiculous.

Funny thing about being a college student - he still retains his inner child. Look at what he brought along to protect his room.

Unlike the first year there were no tears this time. Just a hug and I was off. He's becoming quite the fine young man.

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