I buy the tickets online and we tend to get there early so we can park inside the McCormick Place garage. While it's still cold you are usually only a few steps from being inside the building.
We wore our colors. Even though the Gross Rexmann (aptly named by a vendor we talked to) choked we are proud of the season the Bears had. The jerseys started a few conversations as well.
The wife doesn't have a jersey. Maybe next year.
We started at Ford. The Edge crossover is an interesting car. It rides a little higher (which the wife likes but isn't as thirsty as a truck. Still the wife has a thing for F150's. Someday... unless the Edge steals her away.
This is more my style of truck...
There were Cub Scouts everywhere. Pinewood Derby racing was happening. Great fun for all.
And we were off to Chevrolet.
I've been a fan of the Corvette for as long as I can remember. The Vette is the pace car for the Indianapolis 500 this year. It's a beauty.
The Ron Fellows edition Z06 is more my style. If only I had 80 grand burning a hole in my pocket...
Thing1 is thinking ahead to graduation. He's been thinking about a truck but for him something like the HHR is more his style. It's sharp looking, the price is right, and can haul larger items when necessary.
The new Camaro is a thing of beauty. I was never a huge fan of the Camaro but this just looks awesome! Hopefully Chevrolet will price it right.
The Volt is a pure electric car. 40 miles per charge. ComEd would love me!
We kept wandering. Lots of beautiful cars. Finally made it to the US Army exhibit. As usual it was full of people. The even brought along a couple of choppers.
One from OCC
And one from the Air Calvary.
Thing2 wanted a Army baseball cap. All they wanted in return was contact information. She was hesitant at first but the recruiter was polite and said that all it meant was that she would be contacted when she was a senior. That was ok with her.
We spent quite a bit of time there just looking at the toys the Army had brought along. One Sargent commented on the jerseys we were wearing so we ended up talking for 10 minutes. 17 year veteran. Airborne Ranger. Been there and done that. An incredibly nice guy. Every soldier we talked to was enjoyable to converse with. All had a little story. Thing2 was surprise by the female soldier who started telling us about being sent to journalism school while in the Army. I think Thing2 thought all the soldiers were shooters. It may have opened up her mind a bit.
The Air Force had a much smaller exhibit. But one of their Nextel cars was there.
International had some of their trucks on hand. Thing2 just had to have her picture taken with this one.
This Pontiac Solstice was just beautiful. You just wanted to take it for a ride.
Shell had one of it's race cars there.
And quite possibly the strangest race car. A Toyota Camry Nascar racer. I know Toyota has been in truck racing for awhile but it just seemed strange to me.
One other car jumped out at me. The Scion Xb. I think the current one is the ugliest thing out there. The 2008 model is a huge improvement. It looks like the roof line has been lowered and the doors brought up a bit. It doesn't look like a box anymore. Well done.
And then we were off. It started getting real crowded so we headed out to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and then back to drop Thing1 at school. Almost 200 miles of driving. Time for a nap.
1 comment:
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Enjoy your day!
Michael R.
Webmaster, All-car-photos.com.
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