Friday, December 22, 2006

It started out good

Twas a great plan: The wife and Thing1 were off to work. Thing2 (whenever she dragged herself out of bed) were going to make cookies and just have a fun day. Things were progressing just fine - I even tossed in McDonalds for lunch. And then I decided to check my email and found the following from a close friend:
    Got to my mom's house yesterday to find her on the floor, she fell.

    After spending ~9 hours in the emergency room yesterday. She's broken her hip.
    Lot's of pain, I hate hospitals. They are very slow and busy !!!

Her mom is in her 80's and living on her own. Picked up the phone and called her up. She's pretty shaken up but like any good daughter is rearranging everything to be by her mom this weekend. Surgury is necessary - sometime this weekend. This is not a good way to celebrate Christmas but her family will be together by her mom's side.

Thing2 and I eventually got to make our cookies. 16 dozen. This was the first time I had used parchment paper to bake with. Very nice. No burned cookie bottoms.

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